Saturday, June 21, 2008

Anchor Clinic, 2 of 2

This time with pictures.

The second day of the anchor clinic was held at Pinnacle Rock. We got an early start, and had the crag mostly to ourselves the whole day. Thunderstorms the night before may have discouraged some potential climbers, but it was a great day to be outside.

We did a few practice anchors at the top of Right Wing Wall, and then set up top ropes on Lost World and Zambezi Hatchet Head. In addition to a refresher of the static rope rigging we learned last weekend, we practiced some webbing rigs, and touched briefly on gear placement and equalization. Don't worry, we didn't spend the whole day just rigging. We had enough time for everyone to hit both routes we rigged for, and it was my first time rappelling.

Here are the shots I snapped at the top. I hope to get some shots from other folks' cameras and put them up this week.

This is a view of the Right Wing Wall from a nearby overlook.

Cordelette practice with Nate and Vladimir.

Nate and Kathryn equalizing the anchor for Zambezi Hatchet Head.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Anchor Clinic, 1 of 2

No pictures this time, but I finished the first day of a two-day top rope anchor rigging clinic today. We started out with some class time in the gym, then went out to Chatfield Hollow for some practical rigging. We didn't do any climbing, but it was a beautiful day, and I think I learned a lot. Next week we're taking a trip to Pinnacle, where we'll get some more practical training and a chance to do some climbing as well. Expect pictures from that.